Carmela Baffioni "The encyclopaedia of the Brethren of Purity and its role inphilosophical curricula of Muslim classical ..."
Maailman kulttuurin laitoksen arabialaisen filosofian luennot 7-9.2.2012
Maailman kulttuurin laitoksen arabialaisen filosofian luennot 7-9.2.2012
Dear Colleagues at the Departments of Philosophy
Helsingin yliopisto tutkii Eurooppaa
The logic seminar on the 17th of September, 10-12, in A110 (Metsätalo, Helsinki).
Guest speaker: Prof. Chiaki Sakama (Kyoto University)
Title: A Logical Account of Lying
Lisa Adkins, Professor Newcastle University Australia / FiDiPro professor, University of Tampere & University of Turku
Claude Levi-Strauss 100 vuotta
Satavuotisjuhlaa vietetään Ranskan kulttuurikeskuksessa 28.11. klo 13-17
KOSKETUKSEN FIGUURIT -tutkimushanke järjestää tutkimusseminaarin "COCKTAIL NAVIGAATTORI" perjantaina 20.5.2011 klo 10.00 alkaen Taideteollisen korkeakoulun tutkimusintituutin luokassa 344, 2. krs. TERVETULOA!
Colloquium Encountering Language
with the keynote speaker Thomas Schestag
University of Helsinki 29.10.2007
Organized by the Finnish Academy Research Project Encounters in Art and
Philosophy and the Department of Comparative Literature, University of
Colloquium on Music and Emotions
Free admission. Welcome!
Tuesday June 2, 2009
Venue: Tieteiden talo, Kirkkokatu 6, lecture hall 104
Religion and Equality in an Age of Pluralism
June 20–21, 2011
An International Colloquium hosted by the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS), the Philosophical Society of Finland, and the Academy of Finland (AF)