Channels of Life and Death: The Philosophical Significance of Plants


Dear Colleagues at the Departments of Philosophy

We are organising a small workshop on the significance of plants in
philosophy and literature at the Helsinki Collegium, January 10, 2008
(10am -- 3pm). The focus is on the question of how plants reflect the most
important aspects of human life: emotion, mortality and sensation.

The program is pasted below in this message. Tzachi Zamir's article
that forms the basis of his presentation is available as a pdf from Miira
Tuominen ().

Miira Tuominen


Channels of Life and Death: The Philosophical Significance of Plants

Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
Fabianinkatu 24 A, Seminar Room 136

January 10, 2008

10:00 Opening
10:15 Tzachi Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Wooden Subjects
11:45 Lunch break
13:15 Sara Heinämaa (University of Helsinki): Feminine Metamorphoses -- From Human to Plant
14:00 Coffee
14:15 Discussion (Chair: Miira Tuominen, University of Helsinki)
15:00 Closing

Organising committee: Sara Heinämaa and Miira Tuominen