Colloquium Encountering Language
with the keynote speaker Thomas Schestag
University of Helsinki 29.10.2007
Organized by the Finnish Academy Research Project Encounters in Art and
Philosophy and the Department of Comparative Literature, University of
10.00-12.00 Metsätalo U 40 room 6
Pajari Räsänen (Comparative Literature, University of Helsinki): Encountering Language
Susanna Lindberg (Philosophy, University of Helsinki):
The ordeal of the living being: The origin of language in Clarice Lispector's 'The Passion according to G.H.'
Kuisma Korhonen (Comparative Literature, University of Helsinki):
Amor de lonh – Writing Sensualities
12-14.15 Lunch
14.15-16.15 Metsätalo U 40 room 6
Artemy Magun (Political Studies, The European University at Saint- Petersburg):
Kant and Hölderlin on pure signs
Esa Kirkkopelto (Artistic Research, Theatre Academy):
Pearls In Search of a Thread: Heidegger and Brecht on Theatre
Jari Kauppinen (Philosophy, University of Helsinki):
Suffering and the Work of Mourning in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida (From Rousseau to Celan)
17.00–18.30 Metsätalo U 40 room 6
Keynote Lecture:
Thomas Schestag (German, Northwestern University):
Philology, Knowledge