Religion and Equality in an Age of Pluralism
June 20–21, 2011
An International Colloquium hosted by the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS), the Philosophical Society of Finland, and the Academy of Finland (AF)
Venue: House of Science and Letters (Tieteiden talo), Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki
Organizing committee: Martha C. Nussbaum (University of Chicago, HCAS, AF), Juha Sihvola (University of Jyväskylä), Sami Pihlström (HCAS), Sara Heinämaa (HCAS), Risto Vilkko (AF), Maria Soukkio (HCAS), Taavi Sundell (HCAS)
Preliminary Program (to be revised and supplemented)
Monday, June 20
12.00–12.15 Juha Sihvola: Opening of the Meeting
12.15–13.45 Martha Nussbaum: Keynote lecture on Political Liberalism and Human Capabilities as the Basis of Pluralist Democracy
13.45–14.00 Break
14.00–15.15 Ute Sacksofsky: Religion and Evolving Standards of Equality
15.15–15.45 Coffee Break
15.45–17.00 Diane Wood: Another Gathering Storm? Tensions between Free Exercise and Establishment of Religion in the United States
17.00–18.15 Sara Heinämaa: Communities of Equals: A Husserlian Analysis
18.15 Wine & Cheese (House of Sciences and Letters)
Tuesday, June 21
9.30–10.45 Mushirul Hasan: Gandhi, Nehru and the Making of an Inclusive Society
10.45–12.00 Zoya Hasan: Religion and Secular Practice in India
12.00–13.00 Lunch Break
13.00–14.15 Ville Päivänsalo: Religious Values and Three Dimensions of Political Fairness.
14.15–15.30 Juha Sihvola: Religious Equality and Pluralism in Finland
15.30–16.00 Coffee Break
16.00–17.15 Thomas M. Schmidt: Religion and Public Reason
17.15–18.30 Sami Pihlström: Pluralism in Pragmatist Philosophy of Religion