Workshop on Concepts, Essentialism, and Externalism, 5.-6.10., Turku
Workshop on Concepts, Essentialism, and Externalism
University of Turku, Finland, October 5th – 6th 2007
Workshop on Concepts, Essentialism, and Externalism
University of Turku, Finland, October 5th – 6th 2007
'Externalism challenged? Externalism vs. internalism today.'
Workshop, 4-5 maj 2010, Stockholms universitet.
Workshop, Stockholm University, October 19
Room U 36, Geovetenskap
Michael Devitt, CUNY, 'What 'Intuitions' are Linguistic Evidence?'
11.00-11.15 Coffee
In conjunction with the Collegium Lecture 2014 by Axel Honneth
March 27th, 2009
Workshop on Relativism, Philosophy of Science, and Social Studies of Science
Helsinki School of Economics, Main Building, hall C-350 (3rd floor, turn to the left after entering the main door), Runeberginkatu 14-16
Workshop on the Theory of Reference
28.-29. November 2008
Venue: Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies (Street Address: Fabianinkatu 24)
Workshop on Theology and Early Modern Philosophy
Collegium of Advanced Studies, Helsinki, ground floor
7 February 2008 Thursday
1. Philosophy in Post-Tridentian Catholic Theology
der Universität zu Köln lädt zur Tagung ein
Workshop Phänomenologie
16. April 2010, 10.00-18.00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Luft (Marquette University): Die Dimension der Phänomenologie
”Virtuous Agency: On the Development and Practice of the Virtues”
Uppsala 9-10.9.2010
Workshopen ordnas inom ramen för det av RJ finansierade forskningsprojektet
Understanding Agency.