Workshop, Stockholm April 6: "What should you do when you don't know what is right?"

The Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics (CHE) in collaboration with the reasearch project "Partial Norms" (funded by the Swedish Research Council) invites you to the 1-day workshop entitled "What should you do when you don't know what is right?" The topic of the workshop is moral uncertainty and decision making under moral uncertainty. Information about the workshop is found below.


"What should you do when you don't know what is right?"

Time and Date:

08.30 - 16.30, April 6, 2011


Anna Bergkvist (Stockholm): "Uncertainty and Rational Regret"

Johan Brännmark (Lund): "Moral Competence and Ethical Theory"

Krister Bykvist (Oxford): "Evaluative Uncertainty and Consequentialism"

William Crouch (Oxford):  "Decisions under Moral Uncertainty: What Sort of Ought?"

Johan Gustafsson & Olle Torpman (KTH/Stockholm): "How to be Morally Conscientious Under Moral Uncertainty"

Toby Ord (Oxford): "Moral Uncertainty and Discounting"

Martin Peterson (Eindhoven): "Moral Uncertainty and Degrees of Moral Rightness"

Torbjörn Tännsjö (Stockholm): "Utilitarianism. Stern But Light Duties?"


Room 20, LIME, Floor 4
Retzius väg 3
Karolinska Institue


If you wish to attend please send an email to Nicolas Espinoza
(nicolas.espinoza(a) the 30th March at the latest. The worskshop is free of charge. If you wish to attend the conference dinner please indicate this in the email.