Workshop on Relativism, Philosophy of Science, and Social Studies of Science; 27.3.2009, Helsinki

March 27th, 2009

Workshop on Relativism, Philosophy of Science, and Social Studies of Science

Helsinki School of Economics, Main Building, hall C-350 (3rd floor, turn to the left after entering the main door), Runeberginkatu 14-16


9.00-9.15 Coffee

9.15-10.30 Martin Kusch (University of Cambridge, UK, and Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies): Epistemic Relativism Defended

10.30-11.30 Sharon Crasnow (Riverside Community College, USA): Values and Science: Models, Representation, and Objectivity

11.30-13.00 Lunch break

13.00-14.00 Brad Wray (SUNY Oswego, USA): Kuhn and the Historical Perspective

14.00-14.15 Coffee break

14.15-15.15 Endla Lõhkivi (University of Tartu, Estonia): Why Practice Matters in Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science

15.15-16.15 Kristina Rolin (Helsinki School of Economics): The Epistemic Value of Diversity and Dissent: A Case Study from Organization Science