Workshop on Externalism and Internalism
'Externalism challenged? Externalism vs. internalism today.'
Workshop, 4-5 maj 2010, Stockholms universitet.
'Externalism challenged? Externalism vs. internalism today.'
Workshop, 4-5 maj 2010, Stockholms universitet.
March 27th, 2009
Workshop on Relativism, Philosophy of Science, and Social Studies of Science
Helsinki School of Economics, Main Building, hall C-350 (3rd floor, turn to the left after entering the main door), Runeberginkatu 14-16
Workshop on Theology and Early Modern Philosophy
Collegium of Advanced Studies, Helsinki, ground floor
7 February 2008 Thursday
1. Philosophy in Post-Tridentian Catholic Theology
der Universität zu Köln lädt zur Tagung ein
Workshop Phänomenologie
16. April 2010, 10.00-18.00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Luft (Marquette University): Die Dimension der Phänomenologie
Workshop at Åbo Akademi University, May 12-13 2016
Location: Auditorium Westermarck, C 101, Department of Philosophy, Fabriksgatan 2
Workshop at Åbo Akademi University, May 23rd 2011
14.15-15.15 Agnes Callard (University of Chicago)
Ethical Hylomorphism and theMatter of Practical Thinking
Issues in ancient ethics and philosophy of action - A workshop at the Department of Philosophy, History, Culture, and Arts Studies, University of Helsinki
Mind and Evolutionary Inference
Worries about Work - A workshop in philosophy and social research
21.1.2015 12:15-18.20
Växjö University is pleased to announce the conference
Writing in a post-Derridean era
to be held in Växjö, Sweden 23–25 October 2008