Worries about Work - A workshop in philosophy and social research
21.1.2015 12:15-18.20
University of Tampere, LINNA - LS K110
This workshop is arranged in conjunction with the visit of Professor Nicholas H. Smith (Macquarie University, Australia), whose current research project concerns philosophy of work, and who is a YKY Visiting Professor at University of Tampere in January 2015.
The workshop will aim to examine philosophically and in terms of social research some main contemporary worries about work. Widespread zones of anxiety include e.g. i) unemployment (caused e.g. by growing automatization); ii) precariousness or insecurity in relation to work; iii) the high demands of work which can culminate in burnout; iv) various forms of disrespect shown at work; v) unfulfilling or meaningless work, and vi) gender inequality and other inequalities in worklife.
Do these anxieties about work have a basis in reality? Would a different list of "main worries" arise from different researchers? How do rival conceptions about the nature of work and its role in human life (e.g. as employment; as activity central to the formation of embodied subjectivity) shed light on these worries? How do considerations about the role of work shed light on the desirability of proposals such as universal basic income?
12.15-12.55 YKY Visiting professor Nicholas Smith: Worries about work
12.55-13.35 Professor Lisa Adkins: What are Post-Fordist Wages? Simmel, Labour Money and the Problem of Value
13.35-14.15 Professor Päivi Korvajärvi: Why worries about gender in work?
14.15-14.40 A break
14.40-15.20 Joel Kaitila: The Automation Hypothesis: Why Now, Why Again?
15.20-16.00 Mikko Jakonen: Precarious Experience Denied? The Reception of the Precarity Movement and Argument in Finland
16.00-16.40 Lauri Lahikainen & Tero Toivanen: Working the Atmosphere? Labour Movement and Ethico-Political Subjectivity in the Anthropocene
16.40-17.00 A break
17.00-17.40 Olli-Pekka Moisio: Marx: Work or Play
17.40-18.20 Paula Rauhala & Miika Kabata: Abstract Labour Controversy
For more information: arto.laitinen at uta.fi / paula.rauhala at uta.fi
NB. 14.1-16.1 Nicholas Smith will teach a brief course on philosophy of work: