Workshop arranged by the Nordic Network for Wittgenstein Research at the University of Helsinki, October 3-4, 2008.
Preliminary program
Friday Oct. 3 (Main building, Aud XV, Unioninkatu 34)
14.00-14.15 Welcome (Thomas Wallgren, Helsinki)
14.15-15.30 Richard Raatzsch (Potsdam): Philosophy and Jokes
15.45-17.00 Richard Sørli (Bergen): On Wittgenstein's use of Examples
17.00-17.30 Coffee
17.30-18.45 Ray Monk(Southampton): tba
Saturday Oct. 4 (Main building, Hall 12, Fabianinkatu 33)
10.00-11.15 Josef Rothhaupt (München): Wittgenstein's "way of thinking" - Wittgenstein's "arrangement of thoughts"
11.30-12.45 Niklas Forsberg (Uppsala): tba
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.15 Magnus Aardal (Oslo): A Meta-exegetical Perspective on Reading
Philosophical Investigations as a Therapeutic Text
15.30-16.45 Nora Hämäläinen (Helsinki): Avoiding Closure - Wittgenstein, Murdoch and the Form of Philosophical Thought
16.45-17.15 Coffee
17.15-18.30 Avner Baz (Tufts): Must Philosophers Rely on Intuitions?
18.30-18.45 Closing
20.00 Workshop dinner
Free admission, the workshop is open to all!
For questions about local arrangements, accommodation, etc., please contact Joel Backström: jbackstr(a)abo.fi