Who is Calling? - an international conference; 3.-4.6.2010, Denmark

Who is Calling?
Responsible Hermeneutics - Hermeneutics of Responsibility


International Conference at Aarhus University, June 3-4, 2010

Organized by the Research Group in Philosophical Hermeneutics (PHH) at IFI, AU

-- Aims and Topics --

The aim of the conference is to explore the status or role responsibility within philosophical hermeneutics. The speakers will do this by discussing this concept within a philosophical-hermeneutical framework, focusing on the problem of responsible subjectivity, on the problem of responsible thinking, or on the relation between the two.

-- List of Senior Speakers --

Richard A. Cohen, Buffalo
Georg Bertram, Berlin
Santiago Zabala, Baltimore
Søren gosvig Olesen, Copenhagen
Adam Graves, Denver
Jay Mootz III, Las Vegas
Aïcha Liviana Messina, Santiago
Ejvind Hansen, Aarhus

In addition to the senior speakers, there will be a ph.d.-section with 4 ph.d.-students
presenting their research.

-- Organizers --

Research Unit for Philosophical Hermeneutics (PHH at IFI, Aarhus University) Thomas Schwarz Wentzer, associate professor, Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University
Jon Utoft Nielsen, Ph.d.-student, Department of Philosophy, Aarhus

-- Contact --

For further information please contact Jon Utoft Nielsen (filjun(at)hum.au.dk).
Prior registration is necessary. Please register at http://www.ifi.au.dk/whoiscalling
A detailed program will also be made available on the conference webpage.