VOICES & NOISES: Exploring the Materiality of Sound, 14.-15.11.2008
An interdisciplinary conference focusing on the material and non-discursive dimension of sound and music in philosophy and artistic practice. Organized by the Finnish Academy research project Encounters in Art and Philosophy,
in co-operation with the University of Helsinki, The Theatre Academy, Graduate School of Performative Arts (EST), KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art, and Äänen lumo ry.
Admission to the conference is free. However, due to limited seating, we kindly ask you to pre-register by sending an email message to voicesandnoises (at) gmail.com by November 7.
Information will be updated on the conference blog site:
Friday, November 14
Venue: The Theatre Academy, Department of Lighting and Sound Design (VÄS),
Lintulahdenkatu 3
9.30 Opening words
9.45 Session I
Dawn Scarfe: "Audible auras - the practice of sonifying objects and spaces"
Mikael Eriksson: "Speech as music - the sounds of words in Death Demands"
Salla Hakkola & Dan Lloyd: "Thoughtful and thoughtless sounds from the edge of music"
11.30-12.30 Lunch break
12.30 Keynote speech: Peter Szendy, IRCAM / University Paris-X
"The point. Sound, materiality, and punctuation in Hegel"
14.00 Session II
Saija Raskulla: "The sound of Finnish avantgarde theatre"
Laura Wahlfors: "Playing the piano with Roland Barthes"
Heidi Korhonen-Björkman: "Voice, word and musicians"
15.45-16.15 Coffee break
16.15 Session III
Shinji Kanki: Presentation of solo work
Antti Nykyri & Juhani Liimatainen: "Process-specific and unstandardized
sound-re-enforcement as a creative instrument" + Presentation: Duo Jatkumo
Ca. 17.30 Conclusion
18.00 Shinji Kanki & workshop: Music performance
Saturday, November 15
Venue: Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, seminar room, ground floor
10.00 Session IV
Susanna Välimäki: "Noise in the voice of Maria Callas - queer points of audition"
Lisa Coulthard: "Quentin Tarantino and the noise of violence"
11.15-11.30 Break
11.30 Session V
Lauri Siisiäinen: "Law and conscience: from voice to noise"
Mika Ojakangas: "The voice of conscience"
12.45-13.45 Lunch break
13.45 Session VI
Tanja Uimonen: "The idea of noise as a representation of life"
Meri Kytö: "Acoustemology of a lift"
15.00-15.15 Break
15.15 Session VII
Heikki Kujansivu: "Voice as a matter of thought and poetry - on Cavell and experimental sound poetry"
Leevi Lehto: "Attacking languages (with a little help from their own n/voic/ses)"
16.30 Conclusion
Around 21 o'clock:
Voices & Noises club at Restaurant Kantis, Ruoholahdenkatu 4, Kamppi - performances of experimental music. Organized in co-operation with Äänen Lumo.