Themes in early analytic philosophy and history of logic; 21.-22.9.2009, Tampere

Themes in early analytic philosophy and history of logic
Tampere-Paderborn, Academy of Finland/Daad Exchange,
September 21-22, 2009.

Everyone interested is warmly welcome.

Preliminary program:

Monday, September 21
Location: Päätalo LSA05

10:15- 11:00 Joose Järvenkylä
On Wittgenstein's Presumed Foundationalism and Logical Pragmatism

11:15- 12:15 Nikolay Milkov
The Method of the Tractatus

13:15-14:00 Ilmari Kortelainen
Russell's Analysis - Solving of the Paradoxical Proposition

14:15- 15:15 Henning Peucker
In What Sense Husserl’s Phenomenology is First Philosophy

Tuesday, September 22.

Location: Linna LSK109

10:15-11:00 Volker Peckhaus
Robert and Hermann Grassmann’s influence on the development of formal logic

11:15-12:00 Mirja Hartimo
Grassmanns’ influence on Husserl

13:15-14:00 Ronny Becker
Oskar Becker’s Philosophy of Mathematics