10th Anniversary of Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
HCAS celebrates its 10th Anniversary on Thursday 20 October
Free admission but registration is required for catering purposes. Please sign up by sending an email to:
Thursday 20 October
What’s the Use? The Human Sciences in Contemporary Society
Venue: Unioninkadun juhlahuoneistot, Unioninkatu 33, Helsinki
09:30 Refreshments
10:00 Welcome words by Chancellor Ilkka Niiniluoto and Director Sami Pihlström
Discussion: ”What’s the Use of the Human Sciences?”
Chair: Sami Pihlström
Professor Paavo Hohti, CEO, Council of Finnish Foundations
Professor Marja Makarow, Chief Executive, European Science Foundation
12:00 o’clock Lunch break
2:00 p.m. Teach in: "Putting Use into Action: Research done by Collegium Fellows"
5-minute short presentations by HCAS fellows
Chair: Anne Birgitta Pessi
William van Andringa: Religion and Integration: Learning from the Roman Empire Experiences
Kathryn Edwards: The Science of Spirits
Pentti Haddington: Conversation Analysis and Traffic Safety
Maijastina Kahlos: Outsiders and Human Rights - The Heritage of Late Antiquity Sari Kivistö: Johann Balthasar Schupp and a Seventeenth-century Satirical Utopia of Useful Knowledge
Nikolay Koposov: History and Democratic Citizenship
Rogier De Langhe: Understanding the Nature of Mankind's Most Valuable Economic Resource: Knowledge
Alejandro Lorite Escorihuela: Our Laws over Animal Life: Thinking the Global Dominion
Kirill Postoutenko: Social Asymmetries: What They Are, And How They Shape Our Lives.
Simon Rabinovich: Setting and Navigating the Boundaries of Religious Autonomy in the Modern State (tbc)
Peter Swirski: Two Cultures... and the Twain Shall Never Meet
Thomas Wallgren: Search for Truth as Search for Oneself: Socrates and Gandhi on the Unity of Philosophy and Politics
Sirpa Wrede: Professionalism as an Inequality Regime in Globalising Care
3:30 p.m. Coffee break
4:00 p.m. Concluding discussion