The Vienna Circle in the Nordic Countries - Networks and Transformations of Logical Empiricism

2.9.2007 till 4.9.2007

International Symposium September 2-5, 2007

The Vienna Circle in the Nordic Countries - Networks and Transformations of Logical Empiricism

Fabianinkatu 24, Helsinki

The Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
Vienna Circle Institute and the University of Vienna
Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Helsinki
With support from the Austrian Embassy, Helsinki

September 2, 2007
19.00:  Reception for Speakers at the Collegium
Sponsored by the Austrian Embassy and the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies

September 3, 2007

9.00-9.30 Opening:
Ilkka Niiniluoto (Rector, University of Helsinki)
 Juha Sihvola (Director, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies)
Friedrich Stadler (Director, Institute Vienna Circle)

: Elisabeth Nemeth
9.30-10.15:  Friedrich Stadler (Helsinki/Vienna):
Arne Naess: Dogmas and Problems of  Empiricism

10.15-11.00:  Marja Jalava (Helsinki):
The Earliest Receptions of Mach in the North

Coffee break: 11.00-11.30

11.30-12.15:  Jan Faye (Copenhagen):
Niels Bohr and the Vienna Circle  Leila Haaparanta (Tampere):
Carnap's "Ueberwindung der Metaphysik" and its Reception in Finland

Lunch: 13.00-14.00 (Helsinki Collegium)

Chair: Juha Manninen
14.00-14.45: Arto Siitonen (Helsinki):
Kaila and Reichenbach as Protagonists of Naturphilosophie

14.45-15.30:  Ilkka Niiniluoto (Helsinki):
Kaila's Critique of Vitalism

15.30-16.15:  Michael Stöltzner (Wuppertal):
From Bohr's Positivism to Formal Teleology. On the Different Voices in Eino Kaila's "Terminalkausalität"

Coffee Break: 16.15-16.45

16.45-17.30:  Matti Sintonen (Helsinki):
Re-evaluating Eino Kaila

17.30-19.00: Special session:
Jaakko Hintikka (Boston)  and Simo Knuuttila (Helsinki)
Conversation on the Schilpp Volume The Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka (Open Court 2006)

Optional Dinner

September 4, 2007

Chair: Matti Sintonen
9.00-9.45:  Carl-Göran Heidegren (Lund):
Positivism before Logical Positivism in Nordic Philosophy

9.45-10.30:  Johan Strang (Helsinki):
 "Theoria" and the Logical Empiricists

Coffee break: 10.30-11.00

11.00-11.45:  Thomas Uebel (Manchester):
The Nature and Status of Scientific Metatheory. The Debate between Otto Neurath and Åke Petzäll

11.45-12.30:  Thomas Mormann (San Sebastian):
Inhalt und Umfang des Begriffs: Marc-Wogau's Critique of Cassirer's Theory of Concepts

Lunch: 12.30-13.30 (Helsinki Collegium)

Chair: Friedrich Stadler
13.30-14.15:  Jan von Plato (Helsinki) and Michael von Boguslawski (Helsinki):
Young Ketonen and His Supreme Logical Discovery

14.15-15.00:  Fredrik W. Thue: (Oslo):
Empiricism, Pragmatism, Behaviorism: Arne Naess and the Growth of American Styled Social Research in Norway after World War II

15.00-15.45:  Elisabeth Nemeth (Vienna):
Otto Neurath and Arne Naess on Economy/Ecology

Coffee break: 15.45-16.15

16.15-17.00:  Hayo Siemsen (Emden):
On the Philosophical and Cultural Background of the Finnish Education System

17.00-18.00:  Juha Manninen (Helsinki):
Georg Henrik von Wright - Between the Vienna Circle and Ludwig Wittgenstein

Concluding Remarks

20.00: Invited Dinner for Speakers