Rhetoric of Science Workshop


Rhetoric of Science Workshop
Tuesday August 24th 2010
Aalto University School of Economics
Arkadia Building, Lapuankatu 6 [Helsinki], Lecture Room E-128


9.45-10.00 Morning Coffee

10.00-11.00 Ricca Edmondson (Senior Lecturer, School of Political Science and Sociology, NUI Galway, Ireland): Mediating Experience through Rhetoric in Social Sciences

11.00-12.00 Ricca Edmondson: Rhetoric in Creating Reliability in Narrative Research

12.00-13.00 Lunch Break

13.00-14.00 Olivier Ratle (Lecturer, Department of Organisation Studies, University of West England, UK): The Relevance of Rhetoric in Analysing Paradigm Disputes

14.00-14.15 Coffee Break

14.15.-15.00 Marja-Liisa Kakkuri-Knuuttila (Professor, Aalto University School of Economics) and Antti Kylänpää (Student in Philosophy, University of Helsinki): What Does a Scientific Article Represent?

For coffee, please, confirm your participation to Mikko Rummukainen at laserkaraoke(at)gmail.com

Marja-Liisa Kakkuri-Knuuttila
Professor in Philosophy of Management
Aalto University School of Economics

About the speakers:

Ricca Edmondson is the author of books including Rhetoric in Sociology, Rules and Norms in the Sociology of Organisations, and Ireland: Society and Culture. She has written the article on rhetoric in the Sage Handbook of Social Science Methodology. She is now working on books on the history of wisdom and on ageing as a process of meaning-creation.

Olivier Ratle works within the field of organisation studies, and has an interest for meta-theoretical and methodological debates within that field. His PhD dissertation, titled 'Rhetoric and the Intellectual Structure of Organisation Studies', paid attention to the rhetorical strategies featured within a series of paradigm disputes.

Marja-Liisa Kakkuri-Knuuttila has written on Aristotle’s dialectic, rhetoric, and conception of science and applied these ideas to contemporary issues in philosophy of social science.

Antti Kylänpää has a wide interest in various aspects of philosophy, including history of philosophy, rhetoric of science, and logic. He is the co-author with Kakkuri-Knuuttila of the article Luottamus, retoriikka ja tieteen rationaalisuus (Trust, rhetoric and rationality in science).