Normativity and Metaphysics


Normativity and Metaphysics
A workshop
26 November 2010
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies,
Fabianinkatu 24, 1st floor Seminar Room [Helsinki]

10.00 Kent Hurtig (Uppsala, Stirling): Wrong kind of value
11.20 Sami Pihlström: Fact-value entanglement
12.00  L U N C H
13.00 Teemu Toppinen: Metanormative expressivism and metaphysics
13.40 Antti Heikinheimo: Minimal normativity of mental content - A case against
14.20  B r e a k
14.40 Henrik Rydenfelt: Naturalism and normative science
15.20 Arto Laitinen: Aye, aye, Searle!? On deontology, institutions and two directions
of fit

Organized by the project Ethical Grounds of Metaphysics (Academy of Finland)
For more info: arto.laitinen(at)