Narratives of Health and Illness; CFP deadline


Narratives of Health and Illness

September 16-17, 2010

The Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health in collaboration with The Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Sweden

The Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health invites submissions for the symposium Narratives of Health and Illness that will take place at Uppsala University, Sweden on September 16-17, 2010. We welcome submissions for papers, panels, poster-presentations, workshops and different forms of art-work approaching issues within the overarching theme from a broad range of disciplines and fields of research.

Topics can include, but are not limited to:

·        Narratives of Health vs. Narratives of Illness

·        Relations between Narrators and Narratives

·        Narrating Bodies

·        Narrative Coherence and Narrative Disruption

·        Narrative Medicine

·        Scientific Narratives

·        Narratives of Power/Powers of Narrative

·        Narratives of Sex and Gender

·        Narratives and Intersections of Identity

·        Autobiography, Subjectivity and Self-Representation

·        Narrative, Memory and History

·        Expression of Narrative and Narrative Expressivity

·        Narrative Forms and Media

One page abstracts are due July 1, 2010. Please submit your abstracts to
body(at) and state clearly the form of your proposed contribution.

For further information, please contact Lisa Folkmarson Käll, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University (lisa.kall(at)


The Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health is based at the Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University, Sweden. With the aim of achieving productive interdisciplinary work on issues concerning gender, body, and health, the network gathers researchers and practitioners from a number of diverse fields such as medicine, comparative literature, philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, human geography, sports- and health sciences, psychiatry, social psychology, and history of science. More information about the network: