Law and Phenomenology Workshop


Welcome on December 2nd to the Law and Phenomenology workshop organized by The Research Network Subjectivity, Historicity and Communality, The Finnish Association for the Philosophy of Law and The Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki.


The workshop explores the contemporary significance of phenomenological approaches to law with the aim to reflect on the relation between law and phenomenology from different perspectives. How is law to be understood as a phenomenon? How do phenomenological approaches figure within contemporary jurisprudence? How are the phenomena of lawfulness, legality and/or normativity approached within classical phenomenology? What is the relationship between law and politics from a phenomenological perspective?


Please find the program below.


Law and Phenomenology Workshop

Venue: House of Sciences and Letters, Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki

Room 312, 3rd floor

December 2nd 2015


10.15–10.30 Sara Heinämaa (Jyväskylä): Opening words

10.30–11.30 Ferdinando Menga (Tübingen): Radical Democracy, Conflicts, Transformative Politics: Phenomenological Remarks on the Transgression of Politico-Legal Boundaries

11.30-11.45 Coffee

11.45–12.45 Sophie Loidolt (Vienna): Phenomenology, Law, and the Political:

On the Possible Role of Phenomenological Approaches to Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Legal Theory

12.45–14.15 Lunch

14.15–15.15 Ari Hirvonen (Helsinki): Heidegger and Philosophy of Law

15.15–16.15 Emily Hartz (Southern Denmark):  Law as a Particular Structuring of Subjectivity and World 

16.15–16.45 Coffee

16.45–17.30 Timo Miettinen (Helsinki):  On the Foundations of the European Economic

Constitution: Ordoliberalism and Phenomenology

17.30–18.15 Hanna Lukkari (Helsinki): “Our rights”: On Human Rights and Self-Legislation