HPRS; Jani Hakkarainen: "Ideas Are Ideas: Of the Ontological Status of Berkeley's Ideas"


History of Philosophy Research Seminar
Spring 2010
Time: Tuesdays 14:15-15:45
Place: Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki) Seminar room 31

2.3. Markku Roinila: Locke and Leibniz on single passions (NOTE that the meeting will take place in Fabianinkatu 26 Seminar room 106)

9.3 Malin Grahn: Gender in ancient physics and metaphysics

23.3. Hemmo Laiho (Turku): Kant on perception

30.3 Jani Hakkarainen (Tampere): Ideas Are Ideas: Of the Ontological Status of Berkeley's Ideas

6.4 Erik Åkerlund (Uppsala): On Suarez

20.4. Kreeta Ranki (Turku): Meier and Reimarus on Animals

4.5 Tommi Lindfors: Some remarks concerning the political philosophy of Jean Bodin

11.5 Minna Koivuniemi: Spinoza's Imagination