Ethics in Academy


December 18, 2009

Helsinki School of Economics
MAIN BUILDING Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki

"Ethics in Academy" symposium is a platform for all members of Aalto University to discuss ethical issues related to various aspects of life in academy.

In recent years universities in Finland have become complex organizations involved in many kinds of activities besides academic research, higher education, and administration. Universities are encouraged to engage in commercial activities, either by commercializing research results or by entering educational markets. The society as a whole expects universities to produce research that is relevant with respect to many social ends. While administration has been under increased pressure to develop quality assessment systems, academics have witnessed the emergence of an international movement that is critical of managerialism in universities.

These developments give rise to many perplexing questions about the ethics of academic work. "Ethics in Academy" symposium aims to shed light on ethical questions beginning from the daily ethical problems of the administrator to the goals of the University in supporting personal growth and cultivating democratic citizenship.


9.30-10.00 COFFEE AND TEA

10.00-10.30 Eero Kasanen, Rector, prof. Helsinki School of Economics: Ethical Issues in Administration -- Some Examples

10.30-11.15 Martha Nussbaum, prof., University of Chicago: The Role of University in Cultivating Democratic Citizenship

11.15-12.00 Jeroen van den Hoven, prof., Delft University of Technology: Systems-Thinking in Solving Ethical Issues in Academy

12.00-13.30 LUNCH

13.30-14.15 Ilkka Niiniluoto, Chancellor, prof., University of Helsinki: Ethical Issues in Research and Education

14.15-14.30 COFFEE

14.30-15.15 Esa Saarinen, prof., Helsinki University of Technology: Supporting Personal Growth in Academy

15.15-16.00 Kristina Rolin, PhD, Academy of Finland research fellow, Helsinki School of Economics: Scientific Knowledge: A Stakeholder Theory