7th annual conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology; CFP deadline


Call for Papers

THE NORDIC SOCIETY FOR PHENOMENOLOGY / Nordisk Selskab for Fænomenologi holds its seventh annual conference at the University of  Tampere, Finland, April 23-25, 2009.

We hereby announce a call for papers in the area of phenomenology,  phenomenological philosophy and related philosophical disciplines.  Commemorating the 150 years since Edmund Husserl’s birth, we welcome  all contributions somehow inspired by phenomenology.

Deadline for submission is November 10. A notice of acceptance /  rejection will be sent out before the end of the year. Please submit  your proposal in the form of an abstract of maximum one A4 page.

The Nordic Society for Phenomenology was founded in 2001. Its aim is  to further dialogue and cooperation between phenomenologists in the  Nordic countries and to promote scholarship, teaching, research, and  publication in phenomenology and affiliated theoretical disciplines. The executive committee consists of one representative from each  Nordic country. At present its members are Sara Heinämaa (Finland,  president), Dan Zahavi (Denmark), Björn Thorsteinsson (Iceland), Anne  Granberg (Norway), Hans Ruin (Sweden).

Membership of the society is free and open to all persons interested  in furthering its purposes and participating in its activities.

Please send proposals to NoSP09 (at) uta.fi

Sara Heinämaa (President, NoSP), Mirja Hartimo and Leila Haaparanta  (Local organizers)