PMP research seminar sessions 12.5. and 2.6.; Helsinki

PMP research seminar (  continues on next Wednesday with the following  programme:

Wednesday, 12 May, 12.45-16

(Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies,  Fabianinkatu 24 [Helsinki], Seminar Room 136, ground floor)

Hopes of an enlightened civilisation

12:45 pm – 2:00 pm     1st Session
Chair: S-J Savonius-Wroth
T. J. Hochstrasser (LSE, London) – ‘Leibniz and Pufendorf revisited:  natural law theory and confessional reunion’

2:00 pm – 2:20 pm     Coffee & Tea

2:20 pm – 4 pm     2nd Session
Chair: Markku Peltonen
Kari Saastamoinen (Helsinki) – ‘Locke and basic equality’

Chair: Virpi Mäkinen
Petter Korkman (Helsinki) – ‘Love and law in the early Enlightenment’

For more information, please contact: Sami Savonius-Wroth

Please, note also the seminar in June:

Wednesday, 2 June, 12-14
(Auditorium II, Main Building, Unioninkatu  34 [Helsinki], 2nd floor)

Justin E.H. Smith (Montreal), Ethnolinguistics as Theodicy in  Leibniz's Correspondence with Peter the Great
[see our calendar entry for more details on Smith's presentation, updated 10.5.2010]