Mind, Nature, and Morality: A Conference in Honour of Lilli Alanen

2.9.2016 till 4.9.2016

Mind, Nature, and Morality

A Conference in Honour of Lilli Alanen

September 2-4 2016


Venue: Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, Seminar room.

Address: Fabianinkatu 22, Helsinki


Friday September 2

 14.00 Opening words


14.15-15.30 Deborah Brown (Queensland): ”Interpreting the Person: Alanen on Descartes on Mind-Body Unity”

Chair: Pauliina Remes


15.45-17.00 Karolina Hübner (Toronto): “The thinking subject”

Chair: Leila Haaparanta


17.15-18.30 Lars Hertzberg (Åbo Akademi): “Reasons to be good?”

Chair: Harry Alanen


Reception (all attendants are cordially invited)


Saturday September 3

09.00-10.15 John Carriero (UCLA): “Spinoza’s Theory of the Affects: Foundations”

Chair: Peter Myrdal


10.30-11.45 Lisa Shapiro (Simon Fraser): “Spinoza on Desire and Self- Consciousness”

Chair: Miira Tuominen




13.15-14.30 Denis Kambouchner (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne): “Descartes and Spinoza on human love”

Chair: Virpi Mäkinen


14.45-15.45 Frans Svensson (Stockholm/Umeå): “Enjoying Freedom: Descartes on Virtue and Happiness”

Chair: Martin Gustafsson


16.15-17.30 Tomas Ekenberg (Uppsala): "The Problem of Evil, of Error, and of Mere Ignorance: An Augustinian Puzzle"

Commentator: Calvin Normore (UCLA)

Chair: Mikko Yrjönsuuri


Sunday September 4

10.00-11.15 Simo Knuuttila (Helsinki): “Christian Thomasius on passions”

Chair: José Filipe Pereira da Silva


11.30-12.30 Martina Reuter (Jyväskylä): “Poullain de la Barre’s Cartesian Feminism”

Chair: Mika Perälä


Attendance is free and everyone is welcome!


For more information see https://mindnaturemorality.wordpress.com


The conference is organized by some of Lilli Alanen’s students and colleagues, and is funded by the Societas Scientarium Fennica, the Oskar Öflunds stiftelse, and the Ella & Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, and with support from the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.


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Peter Myrdal

Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Philosophy

20014 University of Turku


peter.myrdal (a) utu.fi