Philosophical Seminar: "The Legacy of Simone de Beauvoir: Ambiguity and Embodied Subjectivity.", 15th April, Helsinki

The Legacy of Simone de Beauvoir: Ambiguity and Embodied Subjectivity.
A Philosophical Seminar. April 15, 2013. Helsinki.

Fabianinkatu 24, Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies
Seminar Room 136, 1st floor

Since Simone de Beauvoir’s death on the 14th of April 1986, her philosophical work has gained increasing attention and a multitude of volumes have been published on her arguments and reflections. Beauvoir developed an insightful description of situated and embodied subjectivity and clarified the structures of such a subject by investigating into the themes of sexuality, aging, mortality, historicity and literary communication.

The seminar illuminates Beauvoir’s contribution to feminist scholarship and existential-phenomenological philosophy that were the two main frameworks of her studies. The aim is to compare her arguments and insights to those of her contemporaries as well as to later feminist thinkers. The speakers are also invited to experiment with Beauvoir’s ideas with the aim of developing them further.

PROGRAM (tentative)

10.00 Opening by Sara Heinämaa
10.15–11.45 Christine Daigle (Brock University): The Feminist Phenomenology of Beauvoir: Rethinking Subjectivity
11.45–12.45 Lunch
12.45–13.30 Ebba Witt-Brattsröm: TBA
13.30–14.15 Sara Heinämaa (University of Helsinki): Beauvoir and Irigaray: Two Feminist Ethics of the Present
14.15–14.30 Coffee
14.30–15.45 Sara Cohen-Shabot (University of Haifa): Laboring Bodies, Lost Selves: In Search of the Embodied Subject in Childbirth. A Beauvoirian Analysis
15.15–16.00 Erika Ruonakoski (University of Helsinki): Communicating Loss: A Beauvoirian Interpretation of an Ancient Greek Epigram
16.00–16.15 Coffee
16.15–17.00 Hanna Lukkari (University of Helsinki): A Beauvoirian Analysis of Human Rights and Liberation

Organizers: Research Community Subjectivity, Historicity, Communality (SHC), Research Project Ethics of Renewal, Research Project Empathising with the Non-Human Other in Ancient Greek Literature, and The Association for Women and Feminist Philosophers in Finland (NFY).

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