Apropos von Wright: Online Event June 16th at 14:00

Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003) not only founded deontic logic, but wrote on moral philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of action and more. von Wright held chairs at Cambridge and Helsinki, was a member of the Academy of Finland and the chancellor of Åbo Akademi University 1968-1977. To the general public in the Nordic countries, von Wright is known as a public socio-political thinker.

The Open Access Georg Henrik von Wright Online Collection will be released June 16th at 13:00 CET, (14:00 EET) in connection with a live webcast discussion between Lars Hertzberg and Frederick Stoutland, on von Wright and his later philosophy.

Questions to the debaters can be put by chat online or by e-mail to fifi(a)abo.fi. The general public is cordially invited to attend the discussion in Auditorium Armfelt, Arken, Åbo Akademi Tehtaankatu 2, Turku, Finland.

This first part of the collection will comprise some 15 articles and essays in English, Swedish and Finnish.

At the same time, we celebrate the release of Stoutland's anthology Philosophical Probings: Essays on von Wright's later work (2009 Automatic Press, Copenhagen). The anthology contains essays by Sören Stenlund, Timothy Williamson, Nuel Belnap, Martina Reuter and others.

For more details, see:

Best regards Yrsa Neuman
editor of Filosofia.fi and the G. H. von Wright Online Collection

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Filosofia.fi will publish a von Wright Online Collection, consisting of 46 articles and essays by Georg Henrik von Wright. We hereby kindly invite you to celebrate the joint release of

The Georg Henrik von Wright online collection
on Filosofia.fi, part I, ed. Yrsa Neuman and Lars Hertzberg
and the essay collection
Philosophical Probings: Essays on von Wright's Later Work,
edited by Frederick Stoutland (2009: Automatic Press/VIP, Copenhagen).

Live web broadcast

One can take part of the celebration online: the live web broadcast discussion of von Wright’s work by Professor Frederick Stoutland and Professor emeritus Lars Hertzberg June 16, 2009 at 2 p.m. EET (1 p.m. CET).

Participate by sending in questions by chat:
[To log on: just write your name on the line and click Login.]

Participators afk [Away From Keyboard] are cordially invited to Åbo Akademi University, Arken, Auditorium Armfelt, Fabriksgatan 2, 20500 Turku, Finland. We kindly ask you to be there a little before 14.00.

The von Wright Online Collection

Filosofia.fi is grateful to von Wright’s family for the honour of publishing this extraordinary collection of altogether 46 essays and articles ranging from different phases of his career. The collection plan was made by Lars Hertzberg in collaboration with Risto Vilkko. The collection is available online free of charge for readers from all over the world.

About Philosophical Probings

“This book gives an illuminating account of significant features of von Wright's later work while showing philosophers wrestling on their own with philosophical issues central to his investigations. The six essays in part I (by Alberto Emiliani, Dag Prawitz, Martina Reuter, Krister Segerberg, Frederick Stoutland, and David Wiggins) are penetrating discussions of his changing views of norms, his claims about the varieties of goodness, his account of action, and his standpoint on the problem of future contingents. Part II contains von Wright's "Logic and Philosophy in the Twentieth Century" with commentary from diverse points of view by Nuel Belnap, Johan van Benthem, Sven Ove Hansson, Eva Picardi, Sören Stenlund, and Timothy Williamson, all distinguished philosopher-logicians, who offer a rich feast of reflection on the role logic might play in philosophy in the 21st century.” Automatic Press/VIP, Copenhagen  2009.


Frederick Stoutland is Permanent visiting professor at the department of philosophy, Uppsala University and Professor emeritus from St Olaf College (Northfield, Minnesota). His work concerns the philosophy of logic and philosophy of action; he has commented extensively on von Wright’s philosophy.

Lars Hertzberg is Professor emeritus in philosophy from Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland. His work concerns the philosophy of language, ethics, and Wittgenstein.

Åbo Akademi University is a Swedish-speaking university, in Turku, Finland. von Wright was chancellor at the university 1968-1977.

Filosofia.fi is the Finnish national webportal of philosophy, edited by Eurooppalaisen Filosofian Seura ry (The Society for European Philosophy), the philosophical magazine niin & näin and the department of philosophy at Åbo Akademi University.

[Philosophical Probings is already available via for example Amazon or Adlibris.]

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