Conference: Action and Agency, Aristotle and Anscombe,27-29.9.2008, Uppsala

Action and Agency, Aristotle and Anscombe
A conference on philosophy of action with an emphasis on the Aristotelian tradition

Uppsala, September 27-29, 2008 at the Gustavianum

This conference will bring together leading philosophers concerned in one way or another with a broadly Aristotelian account of the metaphysics and epistemology of action. The conference is co-hosted by the Uppsala University Philosophy Department and the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN) University of Oslo, and is jointly organized by the RJ research program Understanding Agency and the rational agency section of CSMN.

Invited papers by:

    David Charles (Oriel College, Oxford)
    Ursula Coope (Corpus Christi College, Oxford)
    Anton Ford (Chicago)
    John McDowell (Pittsburgh)
    Anselm Mueller (Keimyung University, Korea)
    Thomas Pink (King’s College, London)
    Martin Stone (Yeshiva University and the New School)
    Rowland Stout (University College, Dublin)
    Michael Thompson (Pittsburgh)
    Gary Watson (California at Riverside)

Organizing committee:
In Uppsala: Lilli Alanen, Tomas Ekenberg, Martin Gustafsson (Stockholm), Fred Stoutland, Frans Svensson; in Oslo: Olav Gjelsvik, Jennifer Hornsby.

Wish to attend? Registration at the latest August 10, 2008.

Registration and more information:

Contact: Frans Svensson (frans.svensson (a)