15-19 October: Postgraduate Course by Prof. Chhanda Chakraborti (Philosophy, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur): Metaphysics for the Mental.
The course is arranged jointly by the Department of Philosophy, the Department of and Psychology at Åbo Akademi University, and the Department of Theoretical Philosophy at Turku University.
Programme: A combination of seminars and lectures. Postgraduate students and advanced undergraduates are encouraged to present their work. Please contact Martin Nybom (
1. The Nature of Mind
2. Consciousness, Self, Others, and Time
3. Thinking, Reasoning
4. The Concept of a Person
See also prof. Chakrabortis home page.
Presenting participants should submit extended abstracts of their essays to prof. Chakraborti no later than september 30th.
Venue: Arken, Fabriksgatan 2, Åbo Akademi University, Auditorium Westermarck (101C, by the philosophy dept).
Tue 16.10 9-13
Wed 17.10 12-15
Thu 18.10 9-12
Fri 19.10 9-12
On Monday, 15 October at 18-20, Prof. Chakraborty will present a paper on the Philosophy of Mind at the Philosophy Research Seminar, Auditorium Westermarck (Fabriksgatan 2).