Dr. Mathias Neuber from the Department of Philosophy of Tuebingen University will give a talk on Feigl's scientific realism in the research seminar of the philosophy unit on Thursday 9.9, at 16.15. (Seminar room A 110, Metsätalo, Helsinki)
This paper considers the evolution of Herbert Feigl’s attempt at establishing a stable form of scientific realism. I will argue that Feigl’s work in that area should be appreciated for two reasons: (1) It represents a telling case against the dichotomous view of there being an unbridgeable ‘analytic-continental divide’ in the context of twentieth-century philosophy. (2) It directly contradicts the widespread idea that scientific realism is fundamentally at odds with logical empiricism. In particular, it will be shown that Feigl actually developed his scientific realist position from within the logical empiricists’ ‘Vienna Circle’. This, in turn, necessitates a fresh and more well-balanced approach toward the contemporary scientific realism debate.
Everybody interested in the topic is welcome.