Robert Leventhal, "Making the Case: Psychological Case Histories and German Literature, 1750-1830"
Guest lecture by Robert Leventhal
Maanantaina 8.9.2008 klo 16-18 Robert Pippin pitää luennon aiheesta "On Hegel's Claim that Self-Consciousness is 'Desire in General'
('Begierde überhaupt')". Paikkana toimii Helsingin yliopiston tutkijakollegium (Fabianinkatu 24, 1. kerros).
Prof. Rodolphe Gasché (SUNY, Buffalo, Comparative Literature): “Of Mammoth Smallness: Franz Kafka's 'The Village Schoolmaster'”
Ma 15.4. klo 12-14 Turun yliopisto, Janus-luentosali
Sirkkalan kasarmialue, 1 krs. (nivelosassa Artiumin ja Minervan välissä) Kaivokatu 12
Culture and Politics
Two presentaions next Friday, 12 February 14-17, University of Helsinki, Porthania, P545:
Samuel Weber in Helsinki 13–17 December 2011
Samuel Weber in Helsinki 13–17 December 2011
Samuel Weber in Helsinki 13–17 December 2011
Samuel Weber in Helsinki 13–17 December 2011
The research seminar at the Department of philosophy will meet on thursday, 14.5 at 16-18 (Siltavuorenpenger 20 A, 2nd floor, room 222):
Sanna Hirvonen(LOGOS research group): Relativism and the Norms of Assertion