
Philosophy in Finland 1200-1850

Published in Ajatuksen kulku, suomalaiset filosofit maailmalla - maailman filosofit Suomessa. Tankens vägar, finländska filosofer i världen - världsfilosofer i Finland. Trains of thought, finnish philosophers in the world - the world´s philosophers in Finland.  (Toimittaja, redaktör Inkeri Pitkäranta.) Finnish National Library, 2004. Kansalliskirjaston Gallerian julkaisuja 6. /Nationalbibliotekets Galleri; publication nr 6./National Library Gallery publications 6.

Philosophy of literature by Finnish researchers: a bibliography 1968-2008

  This bibliography aims to gather together studies in the philosophy of literature by Finnish researchers. It consists of articles and monographs which treat i) philosophical literary theory, ii) philosophical literature, or iii) literary philosophy and philosophers’ use of literary devices.   Admittedly, it has been problematic to define the philosophy of literature. The conception of the philosophy of literature I have applied in the demarcation derives from analytic aesthetics, which naturally emphasizes certain sort of studies. Moreover, the borders between, for instance, the philosophy of literature and literary theory have been difficult to draw. In borderline cases I have generally preferred inclusion to elimination.   The bibliography, collected by requests of publication data and from several Finnish publication databases, is not intended inclusive. Nevertheless, it is being throughout updated, and all kinds of suggestions, updates and corrections are most welcome.   Finally, I want to thank all those who kindly submitted their publication information.   Jukka Mikkonen jukka.mikkonen [at] uta.fi   Last updated 14 Nov 2008.  
