International workshop: Theorising on Social and Embodied Aspects of Contemplative
Theorising on Social and Embodied Aspects of Contemplative Practices. 13 – 14 July 2016, University of Tampere – International workshop.
Theorising on Social and Embodied Aspects of Contemplative Practices. 13 – 14 July 2016, University of Tampere – International workshop.
Moral Psychology and Political Philosophy of Patriotism
A Seminar Directed by Professor Martha C. Nussbaum (University of Chicago)
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, June 9 to 14, 2008
Nordic Network for the History of Philosophy (NHP) järjestää Jyväskylässä 10.-11.4. tapaamisen ja työpajan otsikolla "What is history of philosophy (and how should it be done)?"
Nordic Pragmatism Workshop:
"Pragmatism and the Ethics of Belief"
Jyväskylä, 15.-17.12.2008
Hyvä filosofian opettaja,
Seuraava Nuorten filosofiatapahtuma järjestetään Paasitornissa Helsingissä tammikuun toisena viikonloppuna, 13.–15.1.2012.
Research Methodologies: Embodiment - and the study of cultural and artistic
When: 22 May (10 AM) - 23 May (5 PM) 2008
Where: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (seminar room), Fabianinkatu
24 A, Helsinki (except workshop)
Maanantaina 8.9.2008 klo 16-18 Robert Pippin pitää luennon aiheesta "On Hegel's Claim that Self-Consciousness is 'Desire in General'
('Begierde überhaupt')". Paikkana toimii Helsingin yliopiston tutkijakollegium (Fabianinkatu 24, 1. kerros).
Workshop: Taiteellinen tutkimus ja tieteellinen realismi
Dos. Kimmo Sarje ja prof. Uskali Mäki
17.10. klo 10-14 Metsät. ls. 11
Ilmoittautuminen sähköpostitse osoitteeseen: kimmo.sarje (at)
I am the main organizer of two workshops to take place in Tartu in February 2009 which will represent a meeting between the traditions of phenomenology and semiotics (with nature as a common theme).
The Metaphysics of Tropes
An international workshop at the Department of Philosophy, University of Turku, WEDNESDAY JUNE 11, 2008, 14-19, seminar room 150, Publicum, Assistentinkatu 7, 1st floor.
Coffee & Opening