
Prof. Philip Kitcher luennoi kurssin "Reconstruction in Philosophy: A Deweyan Program for theTwenty-First Century"

9.5.2012 till 11.5.2012

Hei / Dear all (in English below),

Prof. Philip Kitcher (Columbia) luennoi Helsingin yliopistossa otsikolla "Reconstruction in Philosophy: A Deweyan Program for the Twenty-First Century" 9-11 toukokuuta 2012.

Professor Gail Weiss (George Washington University): "The 'Normal Abnormalities' of Disability and Aging"


Professor Gail Weiss (George Washington University) will give a public lecture, "The 'Normal Abnormalities' of Disability and Aging", at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies on Wednesday the 7th of January 2009, at 3-5pm. Street address: Fabianinkatu 24, 1st floor
