Guest Lectures at Åbo Akademi University
Place: Auditorium Westermarck, Arken, Åbo Akademi
Fabriksgatan 2/Tehtaankatu 2, Åbo/Turku
Måndag /Monday 28.9. kl 13-15 (1.15 to 3 pm)
Rupert Read (the University of East Anglia, Norwich)
Title to be announced.
Onsdag/Wednesday 7.10. kl 15-17 (3.15 to 5 pm.)
Nuno Venturinha (The University of Lisbon) Guest lecture:
"Wittgenstein Reads Nietzsche: The Roots of Tractarian Solipsism".
Ev. ändringar/Changes of location etc. will be posted at