The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecofeminism, Environmental Justice and Social Ecology; 2.11.2009, Yhdysvallat; CFP

The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecofeminism, Environmental Justice, and Social Ecology (SEEJSE)
November 2, 2009, Arlington, VA

In conjunction with the International Association for Environmental Philosophy (IAEP), the Society invites paper proposals for its annual meeting, to be held in Arlington, VA on November 2, 2009, immediately after the main IAEP program. (IAEP website:

Please send 1-2 page (single-spaced) proposals in Word format to SEEJSE co-Chair, Keith Peterson, keith.peterson (at) Proposals should also indicate any special audio-visual or equipment needs. The deadline for receipt of proposals is March 20th, 2009. Notice of selection will arrive by May 1st, 2009.

The meeting provides a forum for writers in the growing fields of Ecofeminism, Environmental Justice, and Social or Political Ecology to connect issues traditionally treated in environmental philosophy, such as human relations with non-human others, wilderness, and the value of nature, to issues of social justice. These discourses emphasize that environmental problems resulting from human-nature relations are closely interconnected with problems in human-to-human relations. SEEJSE seeks to encourage the connection of abstract philosophical analysis with empirical data on human lived experience. It aims proactively to expand the perspectives and concerns of environmental philosophers to be inclusive of perspectives traditionally marginalized in philosophy in general and environmental philosophy in particular, especially issues of concern to women, people of color, indigenous peoples, and people living in developing nations. Paper proposals on any of these topics are welcome.

For more information, please contact Keith Peterson (keith.peterson (at) or Patricia Glazebrook (pglazebr (at)