The Enlightenment: Critique, Myth and Utopia; 17.-18.10.2008, Helsinki

Suomen 1700-luvun tutkimuksen seura järjestää Tieteiden talossa Helsingissä
17.–18.10.2008 kansainvälisen valistusseminaarin, ”The Enlightenment: Critique, Myth and Utopia”. Tilaisuuden ulkomaisina pääpuhujina ovat Jean Marie Goulemot sekä Miguel Benítez.

Kahvitarjoilun vuoksi pyydämme osallistujia ilmoittautumaan 13.10. mennessä sähköpostitse osoitteeseen: minna.ahokas (at)

Lisätietoja seminaarista seuran kotisivuilla:

The Enlightenment: Critique, Myth and Utopia

International symposium, 17th and 18th October 2008, Helsinki.
Tieteiden talo / House of the Sciences, Kirkkokatu 6

Friday 17th  October

9.00 Opening words (Hall 104)

9.15-10.15 WORKSHOP 1: The French Connection, part I (Hall 104). Chair: Petter Korkman
Olivier Tonneau (Homerton College, Cambridge): Diderot and Virtue Ethics

Logan Connors (Louisiana State University): Philosophes, encyclopédistes, or playwrights?
Blurring criticisms in Charles Palissot’s La Comédie des philosophes (1760)

10.15-10.45 Coffee

10.45-11.45 Keynote lecture (Hall 104)

Jean Marie Goulemot (University of Tours): Les Lumières en politique (XVIIIe –XXesiècles). Chair: Charlotta Wolff

11.45-13.00 Lunch

13.00-15.00 WORKSHOP 1, part II and WORKSHOP 2 (Hall 404). Chair: Petter Korkman

Workshop 1: The French Connection, part II.

Ville Lähde (University of Tampere): Rousseau’s Natural Man as the Critic of Urbanised Society

Suvi Leppämäki (University of Helsinki): Jean Guéhenno and the Enlightenment tradition

Workshop 2: Between East and West.

Tatyana Artemyeva (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia): Epistemological Utopias of Russian Enlightenment

Dragana Grbic (The Institute for Literature and Art, Belgrade, Serbia): Between East and West - Enlightenment in The Balkans

15.00-15.30 Coffee

15.30-17.00 WORKSHOP 3 (Hall 404): Religion and theology. Chair: Pasi Ihalainen

Jarmo Pulkkinen (University of Oulu): Belief vs. Reason as a Source of Knowledge: Christian Wolff and Pietist Theologians

Ilona Salomaa (University of Helsinki): In David Hume’s Day: Religion, Society and the New “Science of Man”,

Lassi Larjo (University of Helsink): Person and Revelation: Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and the Critique of the Enlightenment

17.00-18.00 Keynote lecture (Hall 104).

Miguel Benítez (University of Seville): ’A gigantic manifestation of spinozism'?: Spinoza
dans la littérature clandestine. Chair: Timo Kaitaro

Saturday 18th October

9.00-10.30 WORKSHOP 4 (Hall 404): Politics and Education. Chair: Kari Saastamoinen

Pasi Ihalainen (University of Jyväskylä): Parliamentary debates as a way towards modern ‘democracy’: Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands in the late eighteenth century

Zefiryna Żegnałek (University of Łódź, Poland): Mary Wollstonecraft’s  and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Views on Society and Education. Ancient or Contemporary?

Kristian Keto (University of Helsinki): The Enlightenment and “Mündigkeit”. Contact with reality in the case of conscription in the Nordic countries during the second half of the 19th century.

10.30-11.00 Coffee

11.00-12.00 Keynote lecture (Hall 505).

Timo Kaitaro (University of Helsinki): Nature and Morality in Eighteenth-Century French Materialism. Chair : Pasi Ihalainen

12.00-13.30 Lunch

13.30-15.00 WORKSHOP 5 (Hall 404): Kantian Themes. Chair: Timo Kaitaro

Vesa Oittinen (University of Helsinki): Ein Radikaler Aufklärer zwishen Kant un Hume: Peter Forskål

Carl Christoph Claussen (University of Vienna): Kant and Hamann: Language and the nature of enlightenment

Karianne Marx (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam): Reinhold’s Enlightenment and practical reason

15.00-15.30 Coffee

15.30-17.30 WORKSHOP 6 (Hall 404): Ambivalence and Diversity. Chair: Mikko Lahtinen

Peggy Heller (University of King’s College, Halifax, Canada): Adam Ferguson’s Ambivalent Enlightenment

Asko Nivala (University of Turku): Friedrich Schlegel and the principles of the

Jouko Nurmiainen (University of Helsinki): The Idea of “Our Enlightened Times” in Swedish Eighteenth-Century History Writing

Junichi Toyota (Lund University, Sweden):  The “Light” and the process of the cognition (joint paper with Dragana Grbic)