School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Tampere, Finland
June 20-22, 2011
Monday, June 20 Paavo Koli Lecture Theathre (Pinni A Building)
9.15-9.30 Opening
9.30-11.00 Helen Beebee (Birmingham): Humean Metaphysics: An Oxymoron?
11.00-11.45 Philipp Keller (Geneve): Humean Supervenience – not quite dead yet
11.45-12.30 Tuomas Tahko (Helsinki): The Modal Basis of Humean Supervenience
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-14.45 Crawford Elder (UConn): The Alleged Supervenience of Everything on Microphysics
14.45-15.30 George Darby (Kent): Humean Supervenience and Quantum Mechanics
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00-17.30 Markku Keinänen (University of Turku): Against Humean Trope Theory
17.30-18.15 Dolf Rami (King's College/Göttingen): An Axiomatic Bundle Theory of Substance
18.30 Welcoming Reception
Tuesday, June 21 Paavo Koli
9.30-11.00 Jonathan Lowe (Durham): Causal Powers and the Problem of Induction
11.00-11.45 Roberta Ballarin (UBC): Plenitude and Non-Essential Necessary Connections
11.45-12.30 Benjamin Curtis (Nottingham): The Humean Recombination Principle and Quidditism
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-14.45 Pasi Valtonen (Tampere): Lewis' Anti-Haecceitism and Questions about Essences
14.45-15.30 Heikki J. Koskinen (Tampere): Anti-Humean Substance Dualism and Person-Body Symmetry
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00-17.30 Stephen Mumford (Nottingham): Hume’s Argument against Powers
17.30-18.15 Panu Raatikainen (Helsinki): A Somewhat Humean Theory of Causation
20.00 Dinner
Wednesday, June 22 Paavo Koli
9.30-11.00 Donald L.M. Baxter (UConn): Hume on Abstraction and Identity
11.00-11.45 Ferenc Huoranszki (CEU, Budapest): Hume, Powers, and Humeanism
11.45-12.30 Jani Hakkarainen (Tampere): Hume's Argument for the Existential Independence of Simple Properties
12.30-13.30 Lunch Break
13.30-15.00 Todd Ryan (Trinity College, Hartford): Hume's Metaphysics of Time
15.00-15.45 Abraham Anderson (Sarah Lawrence College): Hume's Critique of the Conceivability Principle in the Enquiry and Dialogues
15.45-16.15 Coffee Break
16.15-17.45 Don Garrett (NYU): Rethinking Hume's Second Thoughts about Personal Identity
17.45-18.30 Andrew Ward (York): Hume and Kant on the Law of Cause and Effect
19.00-24.00 Conference Dinner and Sauna (Kaupinojan sauna, Kaupinpuistonkatu)
Dr Jani Hakkarainen
+358 40 1904125
The conference is organised by two projects of Academy of Finland:
British Empiricism and Trope Nominalism, and Judgment and Human Rationality
and supported by
Finnish Cultural Foundation
Tampere University Foundation