Cfp; Nordic Network for Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics; 9-10 June, Helsinki

Call for papers: Nordic-Baltic Network for Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics - Annual Workshop

Issues in Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine

House of Sciences, Helsinki, Finland

9-10 June 2014


The participants of the workshop are invited to address any topics in philosophy of medicine or medical ethics. A special session concerning philosophical and ethical issues related to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) will be organised.

The workshop is free of charge and a limited amount of small grants to support travel expenses will be available. However, those who cancel their participation after May 25, will be charged 50€ to cover the expenses. 

The workshop will be opened after lunchtime on Monday June 9 and closed after lunch on Tuesday June 10.

Immediately after the workshop, on Tuesday afternoon June 10, there will be a special seminar on neuro-enhancement organised by the Nordic Committee on Bioethics ( ) and the Nerri-project ( ). The seminar is open for the participants of the workshop.

Please send your abstracts for talks (max. 300 words) by March 31, 2014 to Pekka Louhiala (pekka.louhiala at 

Registration is open until April 30, 2014. Inquiries and registration: pekka.louhiala at

Organisers: Finnish Society for Philosophy of Medicine, Finnish Association for Medical Law and Ethics and Hjelt Institute, University of Helsinki.