CFP: Janus Head Special Issue: Feminist Phenomenology

Janus Head Special Issue: Feminist Phenomenology

Janus Head is issuing a special volume on feminist phenomenology in the fall of 2012. Feminist phenomenology is an interdisciplinary endeavor between philosophy, the social and natural sciences, and the literary arts. We encourage submissions from these different areas, and they can focus on foundational feminist issues in phenomenology, feminist phenomenological methods, or applied phenomenological studies that deal with issues related to women and gender through the framework of continental philosophy. The deadline for Submissions is October 15, 2011, and all papers will be peer reviewed. The volume will be edited by Eva Simms, (Duquesne University, Psychology Department) and Beata Stawarska (University of Oregon, Philosophy Department).

Please check submission format at, submit all papers to jhinfo(at), and please list Feminist Phenomenology in the subject line. If you have questions, please contact Eva Simms at simms(at)

The essays in Janus Head are widely distributed in print and electronic form and are available for free download as pdf’s. This ensures that contributors’ work is accessible from all around the world.