IX. International Leibniz Congress
Nature and Subject
September 19–23, 2011, Leibniz University Hannover
First Circular
PDF: Erstes Rundschreiben (mehrsprachig) / First Circular (multilingual):
Leibniz’s importance for the present, as well as his historical standing in philosophy and in the sciences, are to be the focus of the congress. Since the previous congress six volumes of the Academy Edition have appeared; four further volumes will be published before the congress takes place. Furthermore, since the previous congress hundreds of pages of previously unpublished texts have been made available in provisional form on the internet.
Leibniz composed a series of important philosophical texts in dialogue form. It is intended that the congress should, in the sense of such a “Dialog of Reason”, bring together and confront existing investigations, elucidate consensus and controversy, ascertain what has been achieved and identify research desiderata. These could also include such hitherto, if at all, implicitly conducted methodological controversies. To what extent could texts composed at intervals of many years be mutually illuminating? Is our present picture of Leibniz’s philosophical development precise enough for such an approach?
The motto “Nature and Subject” is to constitute a focal point of the congress. In recent years Leibniz’s views of biology and the living body have become more and more the center of attention; the role of the “machines of nature” has been more exactly investigated. In addition, the debate concerning corporeal substance has gained increasing attention. Leibniz attributes subjectivity or subjective experience in the broader sense not exclusively to the spiritual monads. Naturally the motto also encompasses the dimension of epistemology and philosophy of science.
The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Society invites all interested researchers, specialists and friends to participate. Announcement of papers is requested by February 1, 2011; of the accepted contributions a file or a reproducible paper copy (camera-ready, maximum length 8 pages) is required by May 1, 2011, since the contributions are to be available in a bound volume at the congress opening.
Detailed information about the congress program and the preparation of contributions will be made available in further circulars and on the congress homepage at:
http://www.Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft.de/Veranstaltungen/Kongress/ . Queries should be addressed to: kongress(at)Leibnizgesellschaft.de or Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft, Waterloostr. 8, D-30169 Hannover; Tel. +49 511 1267-331 or -327; Fax +49 511 1267 202.