On conditions of decision making: a study of the conceptual foundations of administration Volanen, Risto20.1.2014
Kaunis ja sopiva: suhteiden järjestelmän merkitys Leon Battista Albertin arkkitehtuuritraktaatissa De re aedificatoria Usvamaa-Routila, Sirkkaliisa30.11.1997
Truth, Proof and Gödelian Arguments : A Defence of Tarskian Truth in Mathematics Pantsar, Markus29.4.2009
On Explaining Cognitive Phenomena : The Limits of Mechanistic Explanation Rusanen, Anna-Mari5.12.2014
Carnap and the Unity of Science: The intellectual and moral formation of a science-technology generalist: a case study Salmi, Samuli15.9.2012
Ideas of Time in Music : A Philosophico-logical Investigation Applied to Works of Alberto Ginastera (1916 - 1983) Calleja, Marianela28.6.2013