Gambling, Gender and Society - International Research Conference; 24.9.2009, Helsinki
Gambling, Gender and Society - International Research Conference 24.9.2009
Gambling, Gender and Society - International Research Conference 24.9.2009
Global Ethics and Justice Research Symposium
Keynote lecturer Academician Martha Nussbaum
A renowned philosopher, professor Michael Devitt (City University of New York) will give a talk: "Justifying Scientific Realism". Mon 14.9.2015 14.15-16.00 Pinni B4115
Helsinki Metaphysical Club 22.3.
Hania Michalczyk (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow):
"A Rhetoric without a Man? Some Thoughts on a Possible Key to C. S. Peirce's Speculatice
Next philosophy research seminar (Seminar room A 110, Metsätalo, Helsinki):
23. 9. Hanne Appelqvist: Apocalypse Now. Wittgenstein's early remarks on eternity.
Everybody interested in the topic is welcome.
Helsinki Metaphysical Club 27.9.
Erkki Kilpinen:
"George Herbert Mead as an Empirically Responsible Philosopher"
An updated program of the History of Philosophy Research Seminar can be found below. Changes are highlighted in the program.
History of Philosophy Research Seminar
The seminar meets on following Tuesdays, Porthania P617 [Helsinki], 14 -16
Research seminar on Ancient to Early Modern philosophy arranged by the members of the ”Philosophical Psychology, Morality and Politics” Centre of Excellence Research Programme. It is open for researchers and students interested in the area, but does not give students credits.
History of Philosophy Research Seminar: Tuesdays, from Feb 24 to May 26,
Porthania P318, 14.15-15.45.
Please, see the program below.
History of Philosophy Research Seminar
Spring 2010
Time: Tuesdays 14:15-15:45
Place: Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki) Seminar room 31