Workshop, “Philosophical and Historical Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity: Beyond the 'Two Cultures' Debate”

1.2.2013 - 2.2.2013

Workshop, “Philosophical and Historical Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity: Beyond the 'Two Cultures' Debate”

Date: 1-2 February 2013

Venue: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24, Helsinki

This international workshop is part of a series of workshops based on the trilateral collaboration, inaugurated in 2011, among the Forum Scientiarum (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), the Vienna Circle Institute (Universität Wien), and the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. Through this cooperation the three institutes involved seek to deepen our understanding of fundamental philosophical and methodological issues of scientific inquiry, as well as the place of science in modern culture and society. The workshops in this series are primarily philosophically focused but intended for a wide interdisciplinary audience.

The workshop, "Philosophical and Historical Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity: Beyond the 'Two Cultures' Debate", to be hosted by the HCAS will contribute to the on-going debates on the nature and significance of interdisciplinarity - a key topic for any institute for advanced study. In particular, the "two cultures" debate concerning the relation between science and the humanities will be reconsidered from this perspective.


Friday, 1 February

14:00 Sami Pihlström (Helsinki): Opening of the Symposium

14:15-15:30 Keynote

Chair: Sami Pihlström

·Chancellor Ilkka Niiniluoto (Helsinki): The Challenge of Interdisciplinarity

15:30-16:00 coffee break

16:00-18:00 Session I

Chair: Risto Saarinen

·Friedrich Stadler (Vienna): From 'Methodenstreit' to the 'Science Wars' - On the Interaction and Competition between the Natural, Social and Cultural Sciences

·Uskali Mäki (Helsinki): Interdisciplinary Give and Take: Generalizable Dynamics with Illustrations from the Case of Economics

·Donata Romizi (Vienna): The Question of Scientific Determinism in Philosophical, Historical and Cultural Context: From Newton to Statistical Mechanics

Saturday 2 February

10:00-12:00 Session II

Chair: tba

·Michael Heidelberger (Tübingen): Types of Interdiciplinarity in the Late 19th Century

·Niels Weidtmann (Tübingen): Back to the Phenomena by Means of Interdisciplinarity?

·Sara Heinämaa (Helsinki): The Request of Interdisciplinarity and the Task of Philosophizing

12:00-13:30 lunch break

13:30-16:00 Session III

Chair: tba

·Tarja Knuuttila (Helsinki): Interdisciplinarity at the Grassroots Level: The Modeling Practice of Synthetic Biology

·Giovanni Rubeis (Tübingen): Naturalizing Anthropology. How Science Creates Man

14.45-15:00 Coffee break

·Georg Koridze (Tübingen): William James and Moritz Schlick

·Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau (Vienna): Perceptual Representation in Philosophy and Psychology