Workshop on Pathologies of Recognition

23.5.2014 - 24.5.2014


In conjunction with the Collegium Lecture 2014 by Axel Honneth


May 23-24 2014 Helsinki

Fabianinkatu 24, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Study


Organized by

The research project "Pathologies of recognition" (The Academy of Finland, University of Jyväskylä).

Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Study, (University of Helsinki)

The School of Social Sciences and Humanities (University of Tampere)


According to Axel Honneth and other representatives of the ‘recognition-theoretical’ tradition of thought, attitudes and relations of intersubjective recognition (Anerkennung) are of fundamental constitutive significance for distinctively human psychological and social structures. They are also considered to be of fundamental significance for the good functioning of these structures, for the well-being of human persons, and for the moral or ethical quality of their relationships, characters, motives and actions. A great number of philosophers and psychologists working in this tradition agree that humans have an inbuilt need for recognition. This widely agreed upon thought has however not been complemented or contrasted with a systematic account of reasons why recognition can be lacking. Although humans may need intersubjective recognition to exist and flourish as human persons individually and collectively, there are also universally human tendencies to repress or deny recognition, tendencies that are due to the specific kinds of vulnerabilities that recognition-dependence introduces. The seminar, organized in the context of prof. Axel Honneth’s Collegium Lecture, will reflect on both the need for recognition and its ’pathologies’ or dark sides.

more info: arto.laitinen at


10.15 – 10.45 Arto Laitinen (Tampere): Mutual recognition, ideology, and higher-order disorders

10.45 – 11.15 Heikki Ikäheimo (UNSW, Sydney): The cost of recognition

11.15 – 12.00 Cillian McBride (QUB, Belfast): Sensitivity to social recognition and vulnerability to domination


13.00-13.30 Nora Hämäläinen (Helsinki): Emotional capitalism and the epistemology of suspicion

13.30-14.00 Federica Gregoratto (Frankfurt): Pathologies of love: Honneth, Illouz and J. Benjamin

- - Brief brake - -

14.30-15.00 Risto Kunelius (Tampere): TBA (on Dewey, public and its problems)

15.00-15.30 Risto Saarinen (Helsinki): Recognition in Religion: A Pre-Hegelian Diagnosis

[16.00 A separate event: The annual collegium lecture; by Professor Axel Honneth (Frankfurt & Columbia), the main building]



Presentations by members of the project ”Pathologies of Recognition”

10.00-10.30 Arvi Särkelä (Frankfurt): Hegel on Scepticism, Stoicism, and Unhappy Consciousness as ideologies justifying domination

10.35 – 11.05 Sari Roman-Lagerspetz (Jyväskylä). Hegel on Women as instruments in the dialectics of the Nation

11.10 - 11.40 Hans Arentshorst (Jyväskylä): Freedom in contemporary capitalism: on Neo-Liberalism and Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition

11.45 - 12.20 Onni Hirvonen (Jyväskylä): Collective pathologies of recognition

12.25 -12.55 Jussi Kotkavirta (Jyväskylä): On 'shame' as a pathology of recognition

12.55-13.00 The End