“In a storied world: Wittgenstein, Barad, emotions, and the human”
Workshop with Professor Naomi Scheman, Department of Philosophy, Åbo Akademi University, Monday 20th - Tuesday 21th September 2010
Program for the workshop
Monday 20th September
10-13 Lecture by Naomi Scheman (Arken, Lecture room: Saussure, M128)
14-16 Presentations by participants (20-40 minutes depending on the number of participants)(Arken, Lecture room: Saussure, M128)
18-20 Research seminar at the Department of Philosophy (Arken, Lecture room: Westermarck, C101)
Tuesday 21st September
10-13 Presentations by the participiants (Arken, Lecture room: Camera Obscura, E201)
14-16 Lecture by Naomi Scheman (Arken, Lecture room: Tolstoi. M120)
16-17 Concluding discussion (Arken, Lecture room: Tolstoi, M120)
Register for the workshop by sending an e-mail to camilla.kronqvist(at)abo.fi, by September 13. Include whether you are interested in giving a presentation.
The research seminars do not require registration.