Workshop: Aristotle and Agency, Åbo Akademi


Aristotle and Agency

Workshop at Åbo Akademi University, May 23rd 2011

14.15-15.15               Agnes Callard  (University of Chicago)                                 
Ethical Hylomorphism  and theMatter of Practical Thinking

 15.30-16.30               Miira Tuominen  (Jyväskylä University)                     
Why is the Virtuous/Happy Agent More Fully an Agent? Aristotelian Perspectives
16.30-17.00              Coffee

17.00-18.00           Charlotta Weigelt (Södertörn University College/Stockholm)
The Hermeneutic Significance of Aristotle’s Concept of Chance


Location: Arken, Fabriksgatan 2, C101 (Westermarck)
Inquiries: martgust(a)