The seminar “Europe in Question”
The Department for Political and Economic Studies and the Network for European Studies organises the seminar “Europe in Question” on the 21st of September 2012.
The seminar is held in the University’s Main Building (Fabianinkatu 33), hall 15, Helsinki
The programme
12.15 Leonidas Donskis: "The EU and its Discontents”
13.00 Timo Miettinen: “The Particular Universal: Europe and the Historical Consciousness of Modernity”
13.45 Coffee
14.15 Catalin Avramescu: "The Constitutional Culture of Europe"
15.00 Hanna Tuominen: "Normative Power Europe and Human Rights Promotion"
Registrations to the seminar to Marie-Louise Hindsberg
(marie.hindsberg at by Wednesday the 19th of September.