The second Georg Henrik von Wright Lecture: Professor Jaakko Hintikka on “The Logical Problems of Induction”, May 20th 2015, Helsinki
Venue: University of Helsinki, Main building/Small Hall (Pieni juhlasali\Lilla festsalen),
Fabianinkatu 33, 4th floor, May 20th 2015, 16-18 (4-6 pm).
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“I have often thought that to have reared one such pupil is reward enough for a whole career as an academic teacher”. (G.H. von Wright about Jaakko Hintikka).
Professor Jaakko Hintikka
Jaakko Hintikka has been professor of philosophy at Boston University and the University of Helsinki. He was a student of G.H. von Wright in the late 1940s and the early 1950s. Hintikka has done pioneering work in mathematical logic, philosophical logic, the philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of science and the history of philosophy, and published over 30 books. He is also known as the inventor of possible-worlds semantics and independence friendly (IF) logic. Besides G.H. von Wright Jaakko Hintikka is the only Nordic philosopher who has been honoured with a volume in the Library of Living Philosophers series.
In his lecture Professor Hintikka revisites the subject of G.H. von Wright’s dissertation from 1941 by discussing what he sees as the true logical problem of induction, to understand the nature of the orderliness of the world that is required by inductive reasoning – an enterprise to which significant contributions have been made by Finnish thinkers, including G.H. von Wright, his students and their students.
The Georg Henrik von Wright Lecture
The Georg Henrik von Wright Lecture is funded by a donation to the University of Helsinki made by the von Wright family 2013. It is intended as a recurring event with the purpose of promoting research and debate relating to the philosophical work of the Finnish philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright (1916–2003).
Additional information is provided by Bernt Österman, curator of the von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Helsinki (WWA).
Bernt.Osterman at