Prof. Philip Kitcher luennoi kurssin "Reconstruction in Philosophy: A Deweyan Program for theTwenty-First Century"

9.5.2012 - 11.5.2012

Hei / Dear all (in English below),

Prof. Philip Kitcher (Columbia) luennoi Helsingin yliopistossa otsikolla "Reconstruction in Philosophy: A Deweyan Program for the Twenty-First Century" 9-11 toukokuuta 2012.

Kurssin järjestää Nordic Pragmatism Network yhteistyössä teoreettisen filosofian
oppiaineen kanssa. Lisätietoa kurssille ilmoittautumisesta, kurssin
suorittamisesta sekä materiaaleista on osoitteessa:

Professor Philip Kitcher (Columbia) will give a set of six lectures with the title "Reconstruction in Philosophy: A Deweyan Program for the Twenty-First Century" at the University of Helsinki in 9-11 May 2012.

The course is organized by the Nordic Pragmatism Network in cooperation with theoretical philosophy at the University of Helsinki. For more information about enrolment, completion and course materials, please see:

Parhain terveisin / Best wishes,
Henrik Rydenfelt