Ole Hjortland: "Proof-theoretic semantics and categoricity"


Guest lectures by Ole Hjortland in Helsinki:

Ole Hjortland from St Andrews (Department of Logic and Metaphysics) will be visiting the department [department of philosophy, Helsinki] next week. Three lectures and a more informal discussion are scheduled, hosted by the persons on whose regular teaching hours Ole's guest lectures take place:

Wednesday April 28: Proof-theoretic harmony.
This lecture takes place in the Main Building (new side, Fabianinkatu) at 14-16, lecture room 21, and is chaired by Michael von Boguslawski.

Thursday April 29: Paradox and truth-preservation.
Main Building, Senate square side, at 10-12, lecture room I, chaired by Jan von Plato.

Friday April 30: Proof-theoretic semantics and categoricity.
Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40A), basement floor of the south wing, at 10-12, seminar room A 110. Chaired by Sara Negri.

There will after the last talk on Friday a possibility to discuss more informally with
Ole, with traditional First-of-May snacks and drinks by Dr. BYOD. This is at the department, room A633 (Metsätalo south wing, 6th floor).